14 June 2008

Late Work Reminder


A couple of you have already e-mailed me about late work. While I appreciate your concerns and circumstances, I must and will remain firm on the policy I explained in our library meetings and included in your Summer Learning Packet: No late work is accepted for any reason.

I understand that some of you are leaving on vacation soon, or may have already left. Some of you will be without Internet access, or be unable to bring your book and other materials on your vacation(s). I understand that most of these factors are out of your control. Still, I expect that you will do what is in your control, and excel at it. In the words of Black Flag, "Rise above".

If you miss an assignment deadline, that's the way it goes. You'll lose some points, but it's not the end of the world. Just don't make a habit of it, and make sure the assignment you miss is not a big one. In stating this I don't mean to say that you should blow off any of your assignments, but just to let you know that if you miss an assignment or two, you will live, and you still have a chance for success in the course.

I expect that all students in my classes will do their best. Realistically, though, some days' "bests" are better than others.

Good luck... y adelante!

Mr. Todd

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